wELCOme to MY Blog name is Rifka Rizky Aprilia
I am FRom xMm3.
ThanKS Have REad my r3ad

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

MY poiNT Of seRIEs

I. MY POINT of VIEW Series

Why I choose Multimedia Department???

Actually, I don’t want school at SMK, but I want school at SMk. But my father ask me to school at SMK, so I just follow what my father says. And I look some department in this school, I interested to multimedia department than other department. And I hope, after I choose Multimedia Department, I can to be like my teacher,, to be a success people in my department.. certainly, in all lesson we have a problem, and sometimes I feel if the task is too much and I can’t do that but if I want to be like my teacher who success in Multimedia I may not desperate. What I like from Multimedia Department is I can play with my right mind.. and can canalize my hobby. My plan after graduate from school is, first, I just want continue to learn in univercity cause that my hope since in junior high school.. and then I work..

3. English

I think, english lesson is a key of success, because in some country use english language. And certainly, english language is a important lesson to learn so that we can comunication with some people from out country. Actually, learning english is not difficult, if we like with the lesson. I interesting learning english because english is unique languange. Why are most of the students afraid to make mistakes when they are learning English? Is because the students not understanding about wahat the teacher says. And my effort to improve my English skills is just learn and learn.. yah, just that…

HOW to maKE EdiT PHOto on ADobe

How to edit photo on Adobe ?

1. First step, you must open adobe photoshop on your computer.

2. And, for edit photo, call photo that you want to edit. Click file – open. And you can click Ctrl+O.

3. After that, chhose your photo. And click


4. For edit the brightness, click image – adjustments – brightness/contrast.

5. And then arrange the brightnes.

6. After that, if you finished edit photo and you want to save that, click file – save as or click Shift+Ctrl+S.

7. And choose where you will save that picture.

8. And click Save. Happy to try edit photo.

How To Make E-mail with Gmail ???

1. open site on your web,

2. After that, click create

an account, and will be appear this display. And then, in this display you must fill the blank column, with your name, and your passwords to make a e-mail.

3. in this display, you must fill the column with your number phone to get a verify code.

4. wait a few minutes, you will accept message on your phone, and the message is your verify code, and then you must fill column verify code with verify code that you received.

5. after that, your e-mail is finished, for look your email click shoe me my account.

6. and will be appear this display, and click sweet! Check out buzz.

7. after that click Buzz

8. and will be appear this display, happy to try….

Senin, 17 Mei 2010

hoW T0 mAKE A twITTer

How To Make Twitter ???

1. Open Site,, that’s to make a new twitter. And then click Sign Up Now.

2. Will appear display blank column, you fill with your name, your e-mail, and your password. If was filled, click Create My Account

3. After you click that link, appear this display, for 1st step, browse suggestions like music, fashion, sports, etc..

4. If you click link Music in left behind will appear this. And you choose your favorite band.

5. For 2nd step, is Find Friends. And you can find contacts in your e-mail on your Gmail or yahoo.

6. If you choose find your contacts from your yahoo. You must wait a minute to loading.

7. And then, your twitter is finished, happy to try..